Botanical Gl Some

Foredrag: Botanical Greenland

15. marts 2024

Kl: 17:00 - 18:30
Sted: Det Grønlandske Hus i København

Pop-up udstilling på Arktisk institut og foredrag i DGH
(In english below)

Den 15. marts åbner vi dørene for et spændende foredrag under titlen Botanical Greenland til en snak om botanik, indsamling og kolonialisme.

Det sker på baggrund af at vi har indgået et samarbejde med Statens Naturhistoriske Museum og Arktisk Institut i forbindelse med udstillingen Johan Eugenius: Flora Neria, der vises på Arktisk Institut i hele marts måned.

Om udstillingen

Johan Eugenius: Flora Neria er en ny pop-up-udstilling om Inuk-botanikeren Johan Eugenius skabt af den canadiske museolog Martha Fleming.

For hundrede år siden begyndte grønlænderen Johan Eugenius at samle og skrive noter om planter i Grønland. I dag finder man hans planter og noter på en række af verdens ledende forskningsinstitutioner i blandt andet Danmark, USA og Canada.

Udstillingen og et offentligt arrangementsprogram om Grønlands botaniske historie produceres i samarbejde med Danmarks Naturhistoriske Museum, Arktisk Institut og Det Grønlandske Hus i København. Udstillingen udspringer af forskning udført i forbindelse med kulturarvsprojektet 'Field/Work in the Archive: Herbaria as Sites of Cultural Exchange' på Danmarks Naturhistoriske Museum og er finansieret af Augustinus Fonden.

Udstillingen kan opleves på Arktisk Institut i hele marts måned med åbning den 1. marts.

Arktisk Institut, Strandgade 102, 1401 København. Åbningstider: mandag-torsdag kl. 9:00-16.00, fredag kl. 9:00-15.00.


Arrangementer i forbindelse med udstillingen (OBS: foredragene foregår både på dansk og engelsk)

  1. marts, kl. 17-18:30:

Botanical Greenland i Det Grønlandske Hus i København.

Martha Fleming, Jens Soelberg og Olivia Struve vil give illustrerede oplæg om Grønlands Herbarium, Johan Eugenius´ samlinger fra 1900tallet og Poul Egedes bogherbarium fra 1700tallet.


  1. marts, kl. 13-16:

Traditional Knowledge and Arctic Histories in Botanical Collections på Arktisk Institut.

Præsentationer, rundbordssamtaler og vidensudveksling.

OBS: Deltagelse i workshoppen kræver tilmelding:



Pop-up exhibition at the Arctic Institute and lecture at The Greenlandic House.

On 15 March we will open the doors for an exciting lecture under the title Botanical Greenland for a talk about botany, collecting and colonialism.

This is based on a collaboration with the Natural History Museum of Denmark and the Arctic Institute in connection with the exhibition Johan Eugenius: Flora Neria, which will be shown at the Arctic Institute throughout the month of March.

About the exhibition Johan Eugenius: Flora Neria is a new pop-up exhibition about the Inuk botanist Johan Eugenius created by the Canadian museologist Martha Fleming.

One hundred years ago, the Greenlander Johan Eugenius began collecting and writing notes about plants in Greenland. Today, you can find his plants and notes at a number of the world's leading research institutions in Denmark, the USA and Canada, among others.

The exhibition and a public event program on Greenland's botanical history are produced in collaboration with Denmark's Natural History Museum, the Arctic Institute and the Greenlandic House in Copenhagen. The exhibition stems from research carried out in connection with the cultural heritage project 'Field/Work in the Archive: Herbaria as Sites of Cultural Exchange' at Denmark's Natural History Museum and is financed by the Augustinus Foundation.

The exhibition can be experienced at the Arctic Institute throughout the month of March, opening on 1 March.

Arctic Institute, Strandgade 102, 1401 Copenhagen. Opening hours: Monday-Thursday at 9:00-16:00, Friday at 9:00-15:00.

Events in connection with the exhibition (NOTE: the lectures take place in both Danish and English)

March 15, at 17-18:30:

Botanical Greenland in the Greenlandic House in Copenhagen.

Martha Fleming, Jens Soelberg and Olivia Struve will give illustrated presentations about Greenland's Herbarium, Johan Eugenius' collections from the 1900s and Poul Egede's book herbarium from the 1800s.

March 19, at 13-16:

Traditional Knowledge and Arctic Histories in Botanical Collections at the Arctic Institute.

Presentations, round table discussions and knowledge exchange.

NOTE: Participation in the workshop requires registration: