Invitation IQ Traces Of Heritage The One Some Uden Txt

Inuit Art, Architecture & Design
af Alain Fournier, Isabelle Laurier & Aviaaja Ezekiassen

2 august 2024 - 31 oktober 2024 kl. Mandag - fredag 10:00 - 16:00

(In English below)

Kalaallit Illuutaat – Det Grønlandske Hus i København har fornøjelsen af ​​at invitere indenfor til den canadisk/grønlandske dobbeltudstilling Inuit Art, Architecture and Design. Dobbeltudstillingen består af to unikke udstillinger med hvert deres udtryk, men som arbejder med mange af de samme temaer.

I stueetagen har vi den canadiske vandreudstilling Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit: Art, Architecture and Traditional Knowledge og på første sal den grønlandske udstilling Traces of Heritage skabt af Aviaaja Ezekiassen.

Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit: Art, Architecture and Traditional Knowledge

Udstillingen viser forholdet mellem moderne inuitkunst og vestlig videnskab og viser et specifikt canadisk eksempel på traditionel viden i aktion. IQ-udstillingen viser, hvordan et inuitsamfund og inuitkunstnere kom sammen for at fortælle deres historie gennem kunst og arkitektur. Ved at introducere inuitkultur og fællesskaber til verden, samtidig med at det demonstreres, hvordan kunst er et kraftfuldt bemyndigelses- og forsoningsværktøj i Canada, giver IQ-udstillingen et glimt af en holistisk tilgang, der fremhæver vigtigt arbejde, der udføres i Canada.

Den canadiske ambassade har finansieret udgifterne til udstillingen, så udstillingen kan vises i Danmark for første gang.

Traces of Heritage

'Traces of Heritage' er en udstilling, der dykker ned i det komplekse samspil mellem kultur, identitet, unikhed og kommercielt design.  Udstillingen består af møbler, som Aviaaja Ezekiassen har arbejdet med i forskellige projekter, bl.a. fra hun var med i DR-programmet Danmarks Næste Klassiker. Fælles for de udstillede møbler er, at de undersøger, om vi kan afkode en kultur og identitet i et møbel, og i så fald hvordan en kultur, som den grønlandske, kan tage form i et møbel - i et møbel. moderne kontekst.

Til åbningen kan du se frem til taler fra den canadiske ambassadør Dr. Carolyn Bennett, de to canadiske arkitekter bag projektet Alain Fournier og Isabelle Laurier, den candiske inuk-kunstner Victoria Grey og den grønlandske møbeldesigner og kunstner Aviaaja Ezekiassen.

Udstillingen kan ses alle hverdage kl. 10.00 - 16.00 til og med den 31. oktober 2024.

Læs mere i udstillingens folder.

In English:

Kalaallit Illuutaat – The Greenlandic House in Copenhagen has the pleasure of inviting you to the opening of the Canadian/Greenlandic double exhibition Inuit Art, Architecture and Design. The double exhibition consists of two unique exhibitions, each with their own expression, but which work with many of the same themes.

On the ground floor we have the Canadian traveling exhibition Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit: Art, Architecture and Traditional Knowledge and on the first floor the Greenlandic exhibition Traces of Heritage created by Aviaaja Ezekiassen.

Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit: Art, Architecture and Traditional Knowledge

The exhibit shows the relationship between contemporary Inuit art and western science and features a specific Canadian example of traditional knowledge in action. The IQ Exhibition shows how an Inuit community and Inuit artists came together to tell their story through art and architecture. By introducing Inuit culture and communities to the world, while demonstrating how art is a powerful empowerment and reconciliation tool in Canada, the IQ exhibition provides a glimpse of a holistic approach that highlights important work being done in Canada.

The Canadian Embassy has funded the expenses for the exhibition, so that the exhibtion can be shown in Denmark for the first time.

Traces of Heritage

’Traces of Heritage’ is an exhibition that delves into the complex interaction between culture, identity, uniqueness and commercial design.  The exhibition consists of furniture that Aviaaja Ezekiassen has worked with in various projects, e.g. from when she was in the DR program Danmarks Næste Klassiker. What the exhibited furniture has in common is that they explore whether we can decode a culture and identity in a piece of furniture, and if so, how a culture, such as the Greenlandic one, can take shape in a piece of furniture - in a modern context.

At the opening, you can look forward to speeches from the canadian ambassador Carolyn Bennett, the two canadian architects behind the project Alain Fournier and Isabelle Laurier, the Candian inuk artist Victoria Grey and the greenlandic furnituredesigner and artist Aviaaja Ezekiassen.

The exhibition can be seen every weekday at 10:00 - 16:00 up to and including the 31th of October 2024

Read more: Information on the exhibition