Ken Leslie Art Talk Sumut 1030X500


01. juni 2017



 Foredraget er på engelsk og gratis at deltage i.

Den amerikanske kunstner og professor fra Northern Vermont University, Ken Leslie, rejser endnu engang på inspirationsrejse til Grønland og gæster i den forbindelse Det Grønlandske Hus.

I de seneste par år har han skabt unikke cirkulære kunstbøger med malerier fra Arktis. Hver bog består af 24 sider – en side for hver time i døgnet – og kan foldes op, så de danner en fuld cirkel på 130 centimeter i diameter, eller foldes sammen og bladres i som en normal bog. Han har blandt andet malet (og fotograferet) i Grønland, Island, Nordnorge, Finland, Svalbard, Nunavut og Alaska.

Ken Leslie viser sine bøger frem og fortæller om sine seneste kunstprojekter i Upernavik og Ilulissat.

For the past 20 years Ken Leslie has created his signature circular accordion artist’s books exploring the light and dark on and above the Arctic Circle. Each of these unique books features a painted 360° panorama with 24 pages, one page for each hour, moving around time and space. Each Cycle may be exhibited unfolded as a full 130cm diameter circle, or folded into a book form to experience page-by-page.

Leslie has been the guest of museums and art centers across the Arctic in both winter and summer - including projects in Greenland, Iceland, northern Norway and Finland, Svalbard, Nunavut and Alaska. He is bringing many of these works to share at Det Grønlandske Hus, where he will give a talk about his recent paintings and projects in Upernavik and Ilulissat.

He has received numerous honors and fellowships for his work, including the National Endowment for the Arts and the American Scandinavian Foundation. Originally from New York, he has lived in Vermont for more than 30 years where he is Professor of Fine Arts and Chair of the Visual Arts Center at Northern Vermont University. You can see many of these works at